Prof. Dr. Bayan Mahdi Sabbar

Digital signal processing is the use of digital processing tools and processors such as computers or microprocessors manufactured for a special purpose for signal processing. The processing is based on dealing with the sampled signals after inputting the signal into samplers and quantizes. The amplitudes of these samples represent the amplitudes of these signals in the required intense. Digital signal processing and analog one are considered as subfields of signal processing and their applications are in audio and speech processing, array signal processing in sonar and radar. Also, image processing, encoding, compression, and adaptive techniques also are considered as a part of signal processing. However, control systems and telecommunications have so many operations based on signal processing algorithms. Nowadays every big field of applications of signal processing in biomedical engineering and seismology. In our researches nowadays also, we apply the signal processing based on FFT and Eigen structure decomposition in identification and verifications.


Prof. Dr. Bayam M. Sabar

Head Of Department (Communications Engineering / Signal Processing), College Of Information Engineering Al-Nahrain University.
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