We are glad to announce that the following papers got the best paper awards at the conference. The details are shown below:


Clustering Document Based on Semantic Similarity Using HAC and K-Mean Algorithm

ID: 1570694489

Authors: Karwan Jacksi; Rowaida Ibrahim; Subhi Zeebaree; Rizgar R. Zebari; Mohammed Mohammed Sadeeq

Avg. Marks.19.5

A Fusion Scheme of Texture Features for COVID-19 Detection of CT Scan Images

ID: 1570688296

Authors: Dilovan Asaad Zebari; Adnan Brifcani; Diyar Saleem; Merdin Salih

Avg. Marks.17.7

Semantic Document Clustering Using K-Means Algorithm and Ward’s Method

ID: 1570693632

Authors: Niyaz Mohammed Salih; Karwan Jacksi

Avg. Marks.17.7


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